The provider search tool contains an up-to-date list of doctors, hospitals and other health care providers who belong to the LM HealthWorks Plan network.
Have you registered for the Aetna member website yet? Register now to take advantage of tools that help you make informed health care decisions.
Get average estimated costs for treatments and procedures in your area with online Cost of Care tools.
Imagine being able to learn about health care quality and costs — before you receive services. As a member of the LM HealthWorks Plan, you can take action to get the Right Care with easy online access to doctor rates and clinical quality information.The provider search tool is a web-based application that puts the information you need about the LM HealthWorks Plan's participating healthcare providers at your fingertips. Now you can easily locate participating network doctors, hospitals, specialists and facilities based on your choice of search criteria.Lockheed Martin's provider search tool is customized specifically for your benefit plan offerings and displays only Aetna providers for the LM HealthWorks Plan. And since the provider search tool is updated three times a week, you can be assured that you have access to the most current information.
For assistance with locating a participating doctor, please call the number on the back of your ID card.
If you are already enrolled in an LM Healthworks or LM Essentials plan, just log into the Aetna member website to find providers.
Look up doctor rates. You can learn the actual rates doctors have negotiated with the LM HealthWorks Plan for up to 30 widely used services. You can find rates for office visits, vaccinations, routine tests and more. Because you are responsible for paying a share of your health care expenses, knowing rates up front is especially important. It can also help you know how much may be deducted from your HealthFund to pay for certain services. Access the Cost of Care tools >
Here’s how to get rates and quality information about your doctor: Within the provider search tool, the online provider directory, you can enter the name of a specific doctor or do a geographical search for all network doctors in a certain area. If your doctor belongs to the network, you’ll see his or her specific listing. If you’re doing a general search, you’ll get a list of names.
When you click on a doctor’s name, you’ll see a “view rates” tab.